Blue fingers random splotches of stamping but I do enjoy the color combo and once someone teaches me the proper way to stamp I will be retrying this one! A couple of days later I decided to try this stamp thing again... once the blue faded from my fingers! ;)
And then this happened.......... I started with a white and purple gradient. Which was really pretty by itself. Then I tried to stamp the zebra print on; only because the original stamp I wanted weren't working (hummingbird). So then I get this zebra print weird-ness that only kinda works because its zebra print...and zebra print really isn't perfect..right? THEN I decided that it didn't look crappy enough so I decided to add some damn glitter on top...because glitter is always pretty! didn't help. And that pinky? I don't even know. *hangs head shamefully* So there it is...Day 14.
What am I doing wrong??!!! I have one plate from Vivid Lacquer and the rest were in this salon express kit. I'm not really sure what a good quality plate is. So I don't know if it's the plates or not! As for the stamper itself I just use the one that came in the salon express kit. The black is from Sinful Colors. Advice?
stamping is hard - until you get the hang of it. Never has the motto "practice makes perfect" been more relevant. Just keep practicing xxx